Bring Your Ideas for Simulation Education, Event Promotion, or Public Health Initiatives to Life.
Videos that will capture your audience’s attention.
With years of experience working as the media director for multiple student organizations and non-profits as well as serving as the elected Historian of the Medical College of Georgia Class of 2024, I have learned that quality media production is the best way to get word out about your initiative, program, or service.
Whether your mission be education, promotion, or recapping a big event, getting your message out in a quick and beautiful fashion is the goal.
Check out some of my previous work conducted in association with my academic institution, student organizations, and more.
Revealing Radiology
An Introductory Guide to Neurological & Musculoskeletal Imaging
For Patients and Students
Understanding and interpreting the basics of radiographic images is an essential, but often overlooked skill for medical professionals. This guide developed by students and faculty of The Medical College of Georgia seeks to quickly and easily introduce students at the high school or early college level to the mechanics of various imaging modalities such as X-ray, CT, ultrasound, and MRI. Over the course of this guide, students will be able to recognize some of the most common anatomic structures in different planes and imaging modalities to prepare them for the beginning of their medical training.
Written by Mehul Mehra, Bethany Graulich, William Walker, and Andy Nguyen
Peer revision by Dr. Scott Forseen, Dr. Daniel Hannah, and Dr. Nikolas Parisis
Special thanks to the Medical College of Georgia Department of Radiology, Neurosurgery, and Orthopaedic Surgery as well as the Medical College of Georgia Department of Physical Therapy and the University of Minnesota Department of Radiology for their academic advisement, peer review, and help with acquiring the images featured in this guide.
Day in the Life of a Sports Neurologist at UCLA BrainSPORT
As new and innovative fellowship programs open up in specialties all across the country, it grows ever important to highlight the cutting edge research and fellows who make such programs so attractive. In collaboration with the UCLA BrainSPORT Sports Neurology fellowship program, Dr. Daniel Rafie, MD gives an inside look into what the UCLA BrainSPORT program is focused on and how it specifically trains physicians to handle traumatic brain injuries, concussion rehab, CTE, and performance enhancement, all in the city where the world’s best athletes train.
Produced and edited by Andy Nguyen
Featuring Dr. Daniel Rafie, MD
Special thanks to UCLA Health and UCLA BrainSPORT
How to Perform a Running Subcuticular Suture
One of the most common closing techniques used by surgeons, this instructional video designed for pre-meds and medical students demonstrates the use cases of the running subcuticular suture and how to perform the suture using a home-made kit simulating closing skin. Part of a running series to demonstrate the high yield procedures that all medical students should be proficient in before graduating from medical school.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and The Modern Surgeon
Featuring instruction by Dr. Jason Han, MD
How to Prepare an Operating Room for Anesthesia Using the “MS MAIDS” Mnemonic
Before surgeons step into the operating room, Anesthesiologists and the anesthesia team are busy prepping the room to prepare for the worst case scenarios of the case. This instructional video made for pre-meds and medical students gives a general overview of how Anesthesiologists set up the operating room. Using a handy pneumonic "MS MAIDS," Anesthesiologists prepare for every scenario a specific OR case may undergo to ensure adequate patient safety.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and the MCG Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
Featuring instruction by Dr. Sarah-Wade Boatwright, MD
Day in the Life of an Internal Medicine Resident ft. MCG Internal Medicine Residency Program
With the continuation of virtual residency interviews, a project made in collaboration with the Medical College of Georgia’s Internal Medicine Residency Program to highlight the benefits of their program to potential applicants in the coming years. Creatively and seamlessly answering frequently asked questions such as program culture, schedule, research/fellowship opportunities, and much more, this video seeks to change the way programs outreach to medical school graduates.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and the MCG Internal Medicine Department
Directed and Edited by Andy Nguyen
Cinematography by Andy Nguyen
Trauma Simulation for High School Students
Aired in Spring 2021 and produced in association with the Medical College of Georgia Department of Simulation Education, was used in a safety livestream to educate local high school students on the dangers of reckless driving or driving under the influence.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and Dr. Vikas Kumar
Directed and Edited by Andy Nguyen
Cinematography by Andy Nguyen
MCG Virtual Tour
An all inclusive virtual tour prepared and shown to all interviewing applicants to the Medical College of Georgia highlighting the unique aspects of MCG that help current, and will help future medical students succeed in their medical training.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and MCG Class of 2024 Tour Guides
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
Working with Medical Interpreters
An educational project used to instruct all new clinic coordinators and clinic volunteers of proper etiquette and use of a medical interpreter in a clinical setting. This project has been incorporated into the MCG pre-clerkship curriculum to prepare students to interact with medical interpreters in a way that ensures excellent patient care during their clinical rotations and beyond.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and MCG Clinica Latina
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
Starring Dr. William Salazar and the Class of 2024 Clinic Coordinators of Clinica Latina
Universal Protocol and Time Out
An educational quality improvement project for Augusta University Health trainees to be instructed on updated protocols for a universal timeout during operations. A newly integrated part of the onboarding process faculty, staff, and trainees of the Augusta University Health departments of Surgery and Anesthesia.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and the MCG Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care Simulation
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
Written by Dr. Vikas Kumar
Augusta University Simulation Center Tour
Showcase of the Augusta University Interdisciplinary Simulation Center developed for the 2022 simulation center accreditation. Detailed look into the facilities and capabilities of simulation education provided at Augusta University used by the Medical College of Georgia and Augusta University’s college of allied health sciences. As a result of this project, the MCG Simulation Program has become the first in Georgia to earn full accreditation from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare’s Accreditation Council.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and the Augusta University Interdisciplinary Simulation Center
Front page promo for mcgcovidresponse.com, a student lead initiative to keep residents of the CSRA and Augusta area informed on up to date COVID-19 information including local infection rates, resources on how to keep your family safe, and educational material on the COVID-19 virus.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and MCG Class of 2023
Directed and Edited by Andy Nguyen
Cinematography by Andy Nguyen
COVID-19 Mythbusters
An educational resource used at mcgcovidresponse.com, this easy to watch video bridges art with public health initiatives of patient education. This project quickly but simply breaks down some of the myths that the general public may have about the COVID-19 virus.
Produced by Andy Nguyen, Lauren Gilstrap, MCG Class of 2023
Directed and Edited by Andy Nguyen
Voiceover by Andy Nguyen
Artwork by Lauren Gilstrap
A highlight of the Medical College of Georgia’s state of the art simulation center in use by the MCG Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine to host the annual Maintenance of Certification for the state of Georgia.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and the MCG Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
The American Medical Association Chapter at MCG
A brief highlight used during the MCG Club Fair 2020 to promote the newly formed AMA chapter at MCG. This organization focuses on legislative advocacy for physicians and medical students.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and the American Medical Association at MCG
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
MCG Institutional Body Donor Ceremony 2021
An event highlight of the institution wide body donor ceremony in remembrance of those who sacrificed their bodies to the anatomy labs for the education of future physicians, PA’s, Physical Therapists, Dentists, and much more.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and the Augusta University Graduate Health Colleges
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
Featured @mcg.2024
MCG House Olympics Trailer 2021
An event promotion in preparation for the annual Skull and Crossbones House Olympics.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and MCG Class of 2024
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
Featured @mcg.2024
MCG House Olympics 2021
An event recap of the annual Skull and Crossbones House Olympics starring medical students from the Classes of 2024 and 2025.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and MCG Class of 2024
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
Featured @mcg.2024
MCG Class Body Donor Memorial 2021
An event recap of the Class of 2024 exclusive body donor memorial celebrating the body donors and their families who helped guide our medical education in unimaginable ways.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and MCG Class of 2024
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
Featured @mcg.2024
Black Men of MCG Fall Mixer 2021
An event recap with one of the largest and quickest growing student organizations at MCG, Black Men of MCG. This networking event allowed students to interact with mentors of different physician specialties and medical students at different stages in their training.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and Black Men of MCG
Videography and Editing by Andy Nguyen
Featured @blackmenmcg
Campus Outreach New Years Conference Raleigh 2019
An event recap with one of the largest college ministry conferences in the southeast, Campus Outreach’s New Years Conference hosted in Raleigh, NC allowed thousands of college students attend faith workshops and seek fellowship with other campuses.
Produced by Andy Nguyen and Campus Outreach Columbia
Videography by Andy Nguyen and Campus Outreach Columbia
Editing by Campus Outreach Columbia